Pada kesempatan menulis kali ini, saya ingin memberikan beberapa tips dan contoh bukan dalam lingkup traveling namun pertanyaan pada saat sedang berada pada posisi interview dengan HR. Mencari pekerjaan menjadi sesuatu hal yang sedang dilalui para Gen Z ataupun juga Milenial seperti saya. Ya, saya seorang Milenial yang sedang mencari pekerjaan setelah kontrak pekerjaan terakhir saya berakhir di tahun 2023. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, mencari pekerjaan terasa lebih sulit dibanding pengalaman saya sebelumnya. Mungkin juga bisa disebabkan dengan umur saya yang terbilang sudah "tua" untuk pencari kerja atau memang ekonomi negara kita yang sedang tidak baik-baik saja. Jika kita lihat, lowongan pekerjaan sangat banyak tersedia di berbagai platform pencarian kerja, namun pencari kerja pun sangat banyak sehingga saya sering melihat ada satu posisi yang sudah dilamar oleh dua ribu lebih pelamar dalam waktu satu minggu saja semenjak iklan lowongan pekerjaan tersebut terbit di salah satu platform. Namun, walau keadaannya memang seperti itu, kita tidak boleh menyerah oleh keadaan dan teteap berusaha dan terus berjuang untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang kita inginkan. Sambil juga mungkin bisa mengambil beberapa course yang bisa menunjang pekerjaan yang kita lamar.
Pengalaman saya, saya ingin sekali bekerja kembali pada posisi Payroll dan Human Resources, sehingga saya mengambil boootcamp Human Resources di salah satu platform pembelajaran yaitu Setelah itu, alhamdulillah saya mendapat kesempatan untuk interview HR dan User di salah satu perusahaan oil and gas namun sayang belum rezeki mungkin jadi belum keterima, saya gagal saat interview User. Tapi, saya ingin membagikan beberapa pertanyaan yang saya ingat saat interview HR tersebut. Berikut beberapa contoh pertanyaannya:
Yang pertama, pasti interviewer akan mempersilahkan untuk mengenallkan diri. Yang saya pelajari dari bootcamp dan research ke beberapa akun tentang recruiter di Instagram, mereka menyarankan untuk memasukkan beberapa poin ini:
- Terima kasih kepada interviewer atas kesempatan sampai di tahap wawancara
- Nama kita dan lulusan mana
- Pengalaman terakhir di pekerjaan
- Skill yang mau di highlight yang sejalan dengan values perusahaan
Thank you, xxx, for the interview opportunity for the xxx position at xxx. My name is xxx or you can call me xxx. After graduating from xxx with a bachelor’s degree in xxx, I started my career at xxx as xxx and xxx. I gained valuable experience in HR, particularly in handling acquisition processes and gaining database management skills along with the transfer process which I recognized for an outstanding contribution and exemplary leadership during a successful acquisition project from the COO of xxx.
I then moved to xxx as xxx specializing in creating an individual tax returns for expatriates/inpatriates, where I sharpen my skills in client communication, problem-solving, tax calculations and I also completed a Tax Brevet course to build a strong foundation in tax knowledge and practical skills.
Seeking new challenges, I joined xxx to focus on finance and commercial aspects of switchgear ensembled and installation projects, gaining expertise in contract review and project management. Despite these diverse experiences, I found my true passion in HR & payroll. Because I have always enjoyed working with numbers, participating in payroll audit & salary surveys, and identify areas of improvement in HR by communicate with other employees and stakeholders. Additionally, I find satisfaction in finding solutions for employees who encounter difficulties with tax and salary payments, ensuring that both employees and the company's goals are met. I enjoy being able to understand and contribute to the perspectives of both employees and management to achieve mutual goals without sacrificing either party. It's challenging, but it's also very rewarding to me.
In my latest role as xxx at xxx, Specifically, I worked on overtime and shift premium, which involved transitioning from manual email approvals to using Workday by creating new scenarios that were not included in Workday previously by performing UAT until it was a Go-live process. This transition required a lot of effort to ensure accuracy because I need to collaborate with other stakeholders such as Managers and team leader of each team to gain practical insights and also with Workday Expert in India to conclude it into new scenarios and implement it to Workday. I also collaborated with the Payroll team to handle overtime, shifting premium calculations, and severance payments based on Indonesian and company regulations since the Payroll team is in the PH so I need to explain how the actual practice in Indonesia. I also addressed employee inquiries regarding salary and tax calculations, drawing on my prior experience in individual tax and payroll. Additionally, I managed ad-hoc payroll tasks, such as processing one-time payments and handling overtime that couldn't be inputted through Workday.
I believe that payroll, tax, and accounting are interconnected. To further my capabilities, I pursued additional courses in accounting, online HR boot camp which I gained more insights of HR world from HR fundamental, talent acquisition, to creating a job grading and salary structure, Everyday Excel, and Google Data Analytics. Altogether, along with my skills and passion, I hope that I can contribute to xxx as an xxx and reaching the same goal to have a career that will last a lifetime in an environment that will keep us growing and developing.
Mungkin terlihat agak panjang ya karena saya mencantumkan dan memberikan summary dari pekerjaan saya sebelumnya. Karena saya merasa pengalaman saya di pekerjaan sebelumnya bisa berkontribusi lebih untuk role saya di perusahaan ini. Intinya, ceritakanlah pengalaman pekerjaan Anda yang sejalan dengan role di perusahaan yang Anda lamar.
Yang kedua, biasanya mereka akan bertanya tentang tantangan yang pernah Anda hadapi di pekerjaan sebelumnya atau saat kuliah. Sebisa mungkin masukkan solusi juga pada tantangan yang sudah Anda hadapi dan bagaimana sikap Anda saat menghadapi situasi tersebut. Berikut jawaban saya saat interview kemarin:
One challenge I faced occurred early in my time in xxx, during the first month after I joined the company, there were numerous questions related to the calculation of income tax (Wht. Art.21), as employees noticed that the tax deducted by the company was less than what was typically shown on their payslips from the previous employer. After investigating and coordinating with the payroll team in the Philippines, I discovered that the issue stemmed from the mid-year transfer from xxx to xxx on July 1, 2022 (which is also my first day joined the company). The payroll team had not accounted for the tax deductions from the previous employer for the first six months because they had not received the necessary data until one month after the transfer or after the first payroll payment, and only obtained it two months after the transition.
Due to the volume of inquiries, I took the initiative to organize a Q&A session on the matter, drawing on my previous experience at xxx and xxx. During this session, many employees were quite frustrated due to the inconsistent tax calculations and the impact on their financial situation. In this challenging situation, I remained calm and addressed the questions and concerns thoroughly, explaining that the discrepancies were due to timing issues and that the tax deductions would be correct in the following month. Although the process was difficult, once the tax deductions were adjusted correctly, everything proceeded smoothly.
This experience underscored the importance of effective communication. It highlighted the need for us as HR to proactively provide information and updates regarding any changes or new information that might affect employees, preferably through emails or Q&A sessions before issues arise.
Yang ketiga, dan biasanya paling sering ditanyakan yaitu kelebihan dan kelemahan kita. Mungkin Anda sudah sering melihat contoh-contoh dari jawaban ini yang rata-rata akan menyarankan Anda untuk menjawab kelebihan dengan kelebihan yang benar-benar Anda kuasai dan punya efek signifikan kepada pekerjaan Anda sebelumnya. Dan kekurangan Anda adalah kekurangan yang disadari dan Anda tahu cara mengatasinya. Berikut jawaban saya terkait pertanyaan tersebut:
Having an experience in different industries and roles build me as an agile individual who highly adaptable and have successfully taken on new challenges and responsibilities with minimal ramp-up time to the new environment and workplace with different cultures and values and a capacity for quickly learning new concepts and tools.
Oftentimes, I can be timid when providing constructive feedback to coworkers or managers, out of fear of hurting someone’s feelings. However, in my last role, my coworker in payroll team asked me to provide her feedback for areas of improvement and my manager suggest me to do the sandwich feedback, which is first paragraph we appreciate their good work, second, we provide constructive feedback, and lastly, we appreciate their work again along with the solutions. Since then, I realized feedback can be both helpful and kind when delivered the right way and I can use empathy to provide thoughtful, productive feedback.
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